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IUC 2013 Phase 1 HU


Next to the traditional focus of IUC programmes on institutional strengthening,  2 overarching themes - agricultur-al development/food security and rural health- were chosen as crucial for the country, region and the university. The IUC includes one institutional strengthening (transversal) project and three thematic projects which are in line with the country strategy for Vietnam and focus on a number of focal areas of Hue University. The institutional strengthening project (P1) supports institutional management and strengthening of service support (ICT). The thematic projects focus on three mayor issues in the development of the region and the country: aquaculture and crop production (P2), ecosystems (P3) and rural health development (P4). P1 sets up a framework for research-based education and university governance through seminars, workshops, conferences, visits and short training courses with PhD training; P2-3-4 focus more on research but in balance with PhD training.

Intervention type

Institutional University Cooperation


01/04/2013 - 31/03/2019

This project is being implemented in:
Local coordinator Toan Van Nguyen
Flemish coordinator Peter Bossier
Programme manager Huu Hanh Hoang
Flemish institution Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Local partner institution Hue University
Other Flemish Partners Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Universiteit Hasselt
visit www.uhasselt.be
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
visit www.vub.ac.be
Budget € 2.100.000