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Changing paradigms for irrigation development in the Andes; case-study for Bolivia


In the Andes irrigation development focuses on water supply by improving open canal infrastructure disregarding the evolution towards pressurized irrigation as developed by farmers. Demographic and agricultural growth, exacerbated by climate change and land degradation have increased the water competition leading to conflicts. This project aims to increase research and professional capacities confronting this challenge and innovating the irrigation development policy paradigm shifting from a water-supply to a water-demand management approach.

Intervention type

TEAM projects


01/05/2016 - 31/12/2020

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Guido Wyseure
Local promoter Rigel Rocha
Local partner institution KU Leuven
visit www.kuleuven.be
Local partner institution Universidad Mayor de San Simón
visit www.med.umss.edu.bo
Other Flemish Partners Vrije Universiteit Brussel
visit www.vub.ac.be
Other local partners Universidad San Francisco Xavier
visit www.usfx.bo
Budget € 299.998