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WebOLInFER Seminar 2020 (Open & Linked Information Framework for Education and Research)

WebOLinFER 2020 (Open & Linked Information Framework for Education and Research) is a virtual follow-up seminar of OLInFER 2018, replacing the live version that will be postponed to the last semester of 2021. 

Based on the experience of the VLIRED Cuba Program “Strengthening the role of ICT in Cuban Universities for the development of society”, the ELINF Project organizes a series of webinars from 16 to 27 November 2020, to explore opportunities for an integrated approach to open and linked information in an environment that supports open science and open education.

WebOLInFER 2020 will cover important issues for the development of open and linked information frameworks for education and research, divided in three major themes:

- Strategy and Policy for Open Education and Open Open Science
- Covid 19 and Open Science (Cooperation with CEPAL - Hernan Santa Cruz Library - Chili)
- Interoperability of information, research and education  

WebOLInFER has invited international specialists who will confront their ideas with developments in Cuba and in Latin America. It invites the people to participate actively, especially in the Open Education Game which will be presented on 16 November. Everybody is invited to play it afterwards in their own institution and present the results during the second session of 23 November. The presentations will be mostly in Spanish.

For more information, to register and to access the different webinars, go to https://webolinfer.vlired.cu/