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Call types

VLIR-UOS is committed to offer both junior and experienced academics the relevant tools and opportunities to contribute to academically inspired, science-driven societal  change in a rapidly changing and challenging world. Through partnerships between higher education institutes in Flanders and in partner countries, we are connecting higher education institutions to wider society.

Project funding

We offer various project calls within the framework of VLIR-UOS new five-year programme (FYP2), guided by the new ambitions and lessons learned from Covid-19. More than ever, the pandemic highlighted the importance of science and international cooperation to address global and local problems, with data and digitalisation creating new opportunities for equal partnerships.

Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development is still our main reference point with the aim of meaningfully mainstreaming the 3 SDG principles of leaving no one behind, interconnectedness and multi-stakeholder partnerships. The focus of Agenda 2030 on meaningful impact through multi-stakeholder partnerships resonates with the FYP2 ambition “Connect4Change” to focus on cooperation among and beyond academic actors (CONNECT), societal impact (valorisation), and collective learning.

Browse through our new calls and find out how to submit a project proposal for the call of your choice!

Short Initiatives (SI)

Short Initiative (SI) are short-term projects that aim to explore, build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams. SI projects focus on a specific sustainable development challenge. In addition to strengthening research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions, Short Initiatives create the conditions for uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by all development actors.

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TEAM projects

TEAM projects are medium-term projects that aim to explore, build and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams. TEAM projects focus on a specific sustainable development challenge. In addition to strengthening research and educational capacities of higher education and science institutions, TEAM projects create the conditions for uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by all academic, civil society, private and public actors.

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International Training Programmes (ITP)

ITP are projects that focus on short- to medium-term, intensive, interactive and practice-oriented training courses, distinguished by topic. These topics can be about sustainable development, transversal skills for higher education (HE) management, transversal or priority themes (e.g., gender, sustainable development, human rights, digital 4 development, decent work, etc).

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Bridging Science & Society

Policy Supporting Programme (PSP)

The Policy Supporting Programme delivers research output on specific themes of interest to the Belgian development cooperation on demand of the Belgian government. The goal of PSP is to deepen the knowledge on themes that are of prime importance to the Belgian development cooperation.

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Accelerate projects

Accelerate aims to support three projects fostering thematic networks which are innovative in their set-up and governance, and at the same time inspiring and accessible to the VLIR-UOS community and HES4SD at large.

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Call schedule (subject to change)

Need more info?

Contact the ICOS at the Flemish institution of your choice.