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Policy Supporting Programme (PSP)

Policy supporting research (PSR) delivers research output on specific themes of interest to Belgian development cooperation on demand of the Belgian government.

Target group

Researchers and research consortia

What is Policy Supporting Programme?

Policy supporting programme (PSP) delivers research output on specific themes of interest to Belgian development cooperation on demand of the Belgian government. The goal is to improve the relevance and performance of Belgian development cooperation policy with regard to the international framework of sustainable and inclusive development. PSP is set up to meet the needs of the Belgian development cooperation administration, DGD. The aim is to deepen the knowledge on themes that are of prime importance for the Belgian development cooperation, linked to building knowledge and capacity of DGD.

Two types of policy supporting programmes are considered from 2019 to 2021: long-term PSP and short-term PSP. Long-term PSP allows to delve deeper into a subject. The term is one year, renewable twice after an assessment of the products and the continued needs. Short-term PSP serves to mobilize universities to give punctual support in the short term (3 months).  

VLIR-UOS organises PSP together with ARES, so all Belgian universities are considered.

What are the outputs?

Possible outputs of policy supporting programme are detailed advice, practical guidelines, complete training modules, scientific advisory services, background notes, comments and recommendations, presentations, short-term studies, expertise that is accessible to DGD, courses and workshops...

Which themes are covered?

In 2021, three new policy supporting programme projects started on the following themes:

  • How to better integrate the environmental dimension in the Belgian development cooperation in Morocco–Nexus development/climate
  • Tracks for the decolonisation of the Belgian development cooperation
  • Promoting sustainable sand mining in developing countries, taking into account transparency, governance and due diligence

In addition, short-term support will be provided on the topic of:

  • Private Sector Development Opportunities targeting smallholder farmers' cooperatives in Uganda

In 2020, long-term support was delivered for three different themes of interest to Belgian development cooperation:

  • Climate Security (ongoing)
  • Using the Sustainable Development Goals as a compass (finalised)
  • Support to the gender policy (finalised)
