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Towards more effective and equitable service delivery for local communities: comparing the impact of different


The project is built up around a comparative research studying the impact of different types of accountability mechanisms on the access to and quality of local service delivery, and the enabling (political) factors. The developmental problem (unequal access to and quality of service delivery and the link with accountability) is addressed through: 1) the generation of evidence regarding the effectiveness of accountability and impact on service delivery 2) an active dissemination strategy will strengthen the involved universities as domestic accountability actors and influence other stakeholders in the process 3) strengthening of networks of domestic accountability actors. The academic problem (research resources) is addressed through: 1) elaboration of a joint research agenda, 2) a joint research/dissemination/publication strategy, 3) strengthening academic networks.

Intervention type

TEAM projects


24/10/2013 - 31/12/2017

This project is being implemented in:
Local promoter Mesharch Katusiimeh
Flemish promoter Nadia Molenaers
Local partner institution Universiteit Antwerpen
visit www.uantwerpen.be
Local partner institution Uganda Christian University
Other local partners Kyambogo University
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
visit www.must.ac.ug
Budget € 296.736