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Global Minds Hogescholen 2017-2021


The Flemish UCs are to build up their Development-relevant academic minimum capacity at the level of higher education institutions in Flanders to be able to do effective university development cooperation with other stakeholders. Their role in development cooperation has been fairly limited as to date. Yet, with their focus on practice-oriented research and profession-oriented education, and entrepreneurship the Flemish UCs certainly have role to play. The UCs have the ambition to develop instruments within Global Minds to drastically improve their capacity and expertise in that field and thus bringing an added value to the Belgian Development Cooperation. This Global Minds application explains how this unique consortium of 13 institutions wishes to cooperate to achieve that objective.

For more information, please visit www.globalmindsvlhora.be.

Intervention type

Global Minds


01/01/2017 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Eric Vermeylen
Local partner institution Vlaamse Hogescholenraad
visit http://www.vlaamsehogescholenraad.be
Budget € 3.242.844