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Domestication of the edible orchid Disa katangensis


UNILU and UGent will join forces to conserve and domesticate an unique orchid which is both culinary and ornamentally appreciated: Disa katangensis. It is as a case study that demonstrates how the immense Congolese biodiversity can be conserved and how its potential can be unlocked for the benefit of the local population and next generations. We will focus on two research tracks: 1) Selection, micropropagation and acclimatisation of the orchid and 2) the study of the soil characteristics and ecology of its unique natural habitat, the swampy ‘damboy’. Combining both aspects is necessary to start the sustainable field culture of this highly valued crop. We will transfer knowledge regarding in-vitro research and orchid botany and habitat. By mutual visits. We will share and transfer the gained experience and knowledge by means of embedded workshops for the rural community.

Intervention type

South Initiatives


01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Stefaan Werbrouck
Local promoter Michel Mazinga Kwey
Local partner institution Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Local partner institution Université de Lubumbashi
visit http://www.unilu.ac.cd/
Other local partners Université de Kamina
Budget € 69.962