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Digestive and pre-digestive microbial strategies to optimize utilization of feed with high amounts of anti-nutritional factors


In tropical areas, e.g. in Cuba, some non-conventional forage crops show high yields and acceptable nutritive quality, although the latter might be impaired by the presence of anti-nutritional factors (ANF). These particularly might be detrimental to digestion in young animals. Two approaches are studied to reduce those ANF, i.e. 1/ stimulation of microbial breakdown in the rumen through early life programming by nutritional intervention during pregnancy and pre-weaning and 2/ use of microorganisms as silage inoculant during forage storage.

Intervention type

Research Initiatives Programme


10/04/2015 - 31/12/2018

This project is being implemented in:
Local promoter Raciel Lima Orozco
Local partner institution Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas
visit http://www.uclv.edu.cu/
Budget € 99.979