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Citizen Science for monitoring MAcRoplastics in Kenya using mobile Technology (C-SMART)


Plastic pollution is arguably one of the most important and pervasive environmental problems today. Kenya wildlife, biodiversity and fish stocks are impacted by this plastic pollution with ecological and human consequences. From September 2017 Kenya implemented the world's toughest plastic bag ban whereas producing, selling and using plastic bags is prohibited. This is a strong commitment and a big step in the right direction. However, we believe that there are opportunities to increase the impact of the ban in order to further reduce plastic pollution in Kenya, and also in surrounding countries. By monitoring macroplastic pollution in Kenya with Citizen Science using a new developed phone application we believe we can (1) increase awareness, (2) advice policy makers and (3) inform and persuade surrounding countries to implement source mitigation efforts. This project will exert an influence on both, political decisions and individual behaviour related to the reduction of plastic pollution.

Intervention type

South Initiatives


01/01/2019 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Lieven Bervoets
Local promoter Gilbert Nyabochwa Atuga
Local partner institution Universiteit Antwerpen
visit www.uantwerpen.be
Local partner institution Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute
visit http://www.kmfri.co.ke/
Budget € 68.750