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Development of a drought monitoring and early-warning system for the central highlands of Vietnam


Drought is a recurrent problem in many regions in the world. Also in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, drought events cause serious problems with large economical consequences. Providing an early-warning system to local farmers should help them to anticipate to an upcoming drought event. In this project, we will develop a drought monitoring and early-warning system that makes use of near-real time satellite observations, and provide this system through a web-interface to the local people. We will also foresee in a training such that the developed tools can be used optimally.

Intervention type

South Initiatives


01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Niko Verhoest
Local promoter Anh Phuong Tran
Local partner institution Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Local partner institution Water Research Institute
Budget € 68.862