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Statistics for development


In the overwhelming majority of empirical research disciplines (including many application domains with an obvious developmental relevance), sound research mandatorily requires a very solid statistical methodology, both for the data collection and for the data analysis. The general objective of the present JOINT project is to improve endogenous statistical education and research capacities in the South, and to contribute there to significant progress in a broad range of application domains through a sound use of statistical methodology. For this purpose the project firstly aims at developing statistical training and consultancy facilities for non-statistical practitioners. Secondly, for statisticians, it aims on the one hand at developing course materials and building teaching staff capacity for master programs in statistics, and, on the other hand, at contributing via mentoring programs to the development of PhD holders in statistics into fully-fledged independent researchers and successful supervisors of PhD theses.

Intervention type



01/01/2018 - 31/12/2021

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish promoter Ziv Shkedy
Local promoter Holger Cevallos Valdiviezo
Local partner institution Universiteit Hasselt
visit www.uhasselt.be
Local partner institution Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
Other Flemish Partners KU Leuven
visit www.kuleuven.be
Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Other local partners Jimma University
visit www.ju.edu.et
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
University of Limpopo
visit https://www.ul.ac.za/
Budget € 119.869