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IUC 2021 Phase In ARU


Building Capacity in Education, Research, Innovation and Societal Outreach to Foster an Inclusive and Sustainable Built Environment in a Rapidly Urbanizing City, Dar Es Salaam (SDG 11 In Dar Es Salaam)

Ardhi University (ARU) proposes to develop an African Centre for Sustainable Cities Studies (ACS1) in order to (i) build capacity in education and training, research, innovation and societal outreach to contribute in generating solutions to these challenges and contribute to the sustainable growth of Dar es Salaam and its wider region in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in general and SDG 11 in particular, and (ii) realize the ambition of becoming an internationally recognized, inclusive, civic university that responds to societal and environmental problems.

The project is composed out of 7 sub-projects: (click on the projects to get a short presentation)

Intervention Team Leader Tanzania Team Leader Flanders University FTL
Land use planning - Participatory planning and land-based resource use conflict management for sustainable growth of Dar es Salaam metropolitan and its region Fredrick Magina Oswald Devisch UHasselt
Decent housing - Towards improved urban water supply and sustainable sanitation resource recovery, sustainable energy and material uses for decent housing Jacob Kihila Patrick Willems KU Leuven
Socio-economic development - Increasing the sustainability of urban foodscapes through agri-food entrepreneurship Makarius Mdemu Joost Dessein UGent
Urban transport - Safe, inclusive and sustainable urban transport system Wilfred Kazaura An Neven UHasselt
Cultural heritage - Architectural Heritage Conservation through Adaptive Reuse: Assessing Design, New Functions, Construction Techniques and Cost Benefits Shubira Kalugila Koenraad Van Cleempoel UHasselt
Gender and participation - Towards gender-equitable and inclusive urban development (transversal institutional strengthening project) Angela Jesse Nathalie Holvoet UAntwerpen
ICT and SSIC - Improving Capacity to Innovate Smart ICT Solutions and Support Technology Transfer for Smart Sustainable and Inclusive Cities (transversal institutional strengthening project) Rigobert Buberwa Leo Van Audenhove Vrije Universiteit Brussel

More information on the project can be found here.

Watch their introductory movie here.

Find more information on our previous projects with ARU.

On 1 October 2021 a connect session with ARU was organised. Find out more here.

Intervention type

Institutional University Cooperation


01/03/2021 - 31/08/2022

This project is being implemented in:
Flemish coordinator Rob Cuyvers
Local coordinator Gabriel Kassenga
Flemish institution Universiteit Hasselt
visit www.uhasselt.be
Local partner institution Ardhi University
visit https://aru.ac.tz/
Other Flemish Partners KU Leuven
visit www.kuleuven.be
Universiteit Antwerpen
visit www.uantwerpen.be
Universiteit Gent
visit www.ugent.be
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
visit www.vub.ac.be
Budget € 160.000